Code of Conduct


Discipline and virtue are the hallmarks Of Sacred Heart Public school. We expect that the students entrusted to Our care, will conduct themselves to the satisfaction of all concerned and leave the school after a successful career as God-fearing young men and women useful to themselves, their parents and the society.

S.H. School students should at all times show respect to the school authorities and to the elders.

  1. All students should maintain good discipline and should never indulge themselves in any activities detrimental to the interest of the institution.
  2. Students should be punctual and regular attendance is a must. Late comers will not be admitted without a written explanation from the parent.
  3. During working hours no student is allowed to leave the campus without the written permission of the Principal.
  4. Continuous absence for 15 days without leave causes the removal of the student's name from the school register. He/ she will be readmitted only after satisfactory explanation, payment of all dues and Re-admission fee of Rs. 1000.
  5. Irregular attendance, misconduct, disobedience or defiance of authority are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a student.
  6. Students are advised to converse in ENGLISH inside the campus, in school bus and at boarding points.
  7. All students should be neatly dressed in school uniform and wear black shoes, socks, belt and ID card to school on all days.
  8. Students should bring their diary and other books according to the timetable every day.
  9. Those who bring their lunch, please bring a food towel on which you place your tiffin carrier while eating. Tidy up the surroundings after you finish eating.
  10. Girls may keep their hair cut short or if allowed to grow, keep them neatly plaited and tied with black hairband only.
  11. Having long nails, use of nail polish and such make-ups are not allowed in school.
  12. Excessive money, expensive & fancy stationery, electronic gadgets, toys, tattoos, video games, chewing gum, comics, periodicals etc. should not be brought to the school unless specially asked for by the teacher. If found, stern disciplinary action will be taken.
  13. Students are strictly forbidden from disfiguring the walls & furniture of the school. They should keep their classrooms and premises neat and clean.
  14. Running, playing, and shouting inside the classroom/corridors is strictly forbidden. Once they come to the school in the morning, pupils are expected to remain in their classrooms or library and engage themselves in self-study.
  15. When the principal, teachers, nursemaid or any other elderly person comes to the class, the pupil should stand up and greet him / her and remain standing till they are asked to sit.
  16. Students should not speak ill of anyone, as it will deteriorate your goodwill and confidence. Always speak positive and see the positive side of things.
  17. Students should build confidence in themselves, and ask doubts to their teachers whenever in doubt. If you don't clear your doubts, you will always remain in the darkness.
  18. Write all the details of homework and test papers in the diary in the respective period itself.
  19. Use only refined language while conversing with others. It will boost your self-confidence and positive approach.
  20. You should use the four magic words to good manners, 'Please', 'Thank you', 'Sorry' and 'Excuse Me' whenever necessary.
  21. Do not tear pages from the notebooks or scribble anything at the back page of the notebook.
  22. Students should not enter other classrooms or blocks for any reason without the permission of teachers.
  23. On Birthdays students are allowed to bring sweets. No personal celebrations are promoted in the school.
  24. Students should move only in a single line and a queue should be followed in all the places. Playing or shouting inside the school buildings is strictly forbidden.
  25. Pupils of one class are not allowed to enter other classrooms.
  26. Pencil boxes with games and fancy boxes are strictly not allowed. Fancy watches are also not allowed.
  27. Each pupil is responsible for the safe custody of his/her belongings. All the personal articles including books should be kept neat and labelled. The school is not responsible for the loss of any of their belongings. The lost property should be collected within a week from the class teacher or the coordinator, otherwise it will be given away for charity.
  28. Speak good words, express good thoughts, behave politely and learn to socialize with all.
  29. Always be in good company and act responsibly so that your family, friends and your school feel proud of you.
  30. Students' behaviour should be gentlemanly at all times both inside and outside the school campus.
  31. Coming late to school/ class is considered a serious breach of discipline.
  32. Any damage done to school property must be compensated.
  33. Students should always be punctual and keep the class rooms & school premises clean.